Well here's the official first post on our new blog. Just playing around with it and learning as we go...We hope you get some enjoyment out of sharing some of our summer memories.
In May we went on our son's Joseph Make-A-Wish trip to where else but Orlando to celebrate his 14th birthday and see the usual sites. We stayed at a magnificient place called Give Kids The World. They specialize in pampering the entire family, especially the wish child with gifts and fun activities, lots of love and all the ice cream you could imagine. What a special time !
If anyone knows of a child that is a candidate for a wish, they can contact the South Florida Make-A-Wish foundation at
http://www.sfla.wish.org/ or they can contact us for more information. If anyone is looking to contribute to a worthy cause, Make-A-Wish is a great organization helping those children with life threatening illnesses realize one special wish. It is definitely on the top of our list !!